Strange Years

Not every Big Bad has a white cat.
Rascals and rogues, confidence men and dastardly women.
From scarlet letters to dunce caps.
What immortal hand or eye made these things want to eat you?
The caprice of law and the folly of bureaucracy.
Historical footnotes and immediate concerns.
Bohemians, visionaries, and eccentric quest givers, all.
From family customs to forbidden arts.
Minor nuisances and growing problems.
You know it's gonna happen. So let's make the tavern a little flavorful.
Give the mule a break with these unusual beasts of burden.
Doors that will spark curiosity and confusion.
What comes after Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter?
The end is nigh, and these are its ten signs.
Ten ideas for libraries as destinations in your next game session.
10 Ideas for Temples for TTRPG players to visit.
10 Locations for your RPG party to visit underground
10 Flavorful seeds for describing markets.
A system-neutral TTRPG ghost generator